Thursday, July 31, 2008

Things I Miss about America

family and friends
my good camera
Mexican food
American music (the good kind, I hear plenty here)
peanut butter
my laptop
the ability to eavesdrop
open space
wooden architecture
warm food
amnesia towards the insurmountable time frame of history


Unknown said...

Sounds like you're getting a bit homesick! We sure do miss you-can't wait to see pix and hear all about it!
Love, Mom

sukjong said...

wait, aren't you in Nutella heaven? and isn't Nutella 1000 times more delicious than peanut butter?

anyway, while i have yet to miss America myself, i have to say reading your blog provided me many laughs yesterday-- i only miss people--

but i do hope you get warm food soon. that's serious deprivation...